Africans who are residents in the twin cities of Minneapolis and St.
Paul are the least likely of all residents to use the
educational and economic resources available to them adequately. These
immigrants, who are mostly Somalis, have recently arrived from refugee
camps in Kenya. Their proficiency in English is minimal. At the same time,
they lack basic educational skills. Unlearned in the complexities of
Western cultures, they are overwhelmed by simple transactions.
African immigrants, youth and adults alike, have difficulties
adjusting to school and work.
African adults are the major beneficiaries of Ubah.
Their adjustment and educational difficulties have not received as much
media or public scrutiny as that of African youths in Minneapolis
schools. Mr. Mohammed Hassan Osman, a community leader, a writer, and
a former dean of the Lafole College of the Somali National University,
estimates the number of African adults, 20 years and older, in the
thousands. And they all need upgrading in English and basic skills.
Mr. Osman is insisting that their problem is more complex than that of
school children. For example, although adults have opportunities to
take English courses from literacy centers or churches, they lack the
initial skills to apply to, or the wherewithal to continue in, these
School age African youths have received wider attention from educators
and the media. Their predicament is more acute and visible. As floods
of refugees started descending on the Twin Cities, the schools
burgeoned with new students. School authorities were
alarmed by their numbers and their need. In the 1993-94 school year
Minneapolis schools educated 68 Somali students, a number which increased to 874
by 1998. The students were found to lack proficiency in English and
basic skills, like, reading, writing and mathematics. Nor do the
students get help with school work from their parents. Jessie Montano,
a supplemental instructions director, stated: "We're not just dealing
with children who come here and do not speak English. In many cases,
we're dealing with kids that do not have basic skills."
Twin Cities educational authorities improved the new students' education
in two ways. First, Language and cultural interpreters were hired to
teach these "Limited English Proficiency" (LEP) students. Second, 150
of them were enrolled in special school, the High School of New
Americans. In both cases, students are main-streamed into age
appropriate classes. Although these methods are ingenious and helpful
to many students, they fall short of fully empowering the students into
their new school life. Some educators question these methods. They
predict dire consequences for the students themselves and the larger
society of the Twin Cities. Jeannine Oulette-Howitz argues in the
Minnesota Parent that, "the mere existence of 'high school for new
Americans' calls attention
to something much larger and ultimately more profound in its potential
impact on Minneapolis and its schools-and the entire state of
Minnesota-than the 150 students in Gethsemene; the high school for new
Americans is but one small response to the burgeoning population of LEP
kids in Minneapolis"
The director of unified students services for Minneapolis, Paul
McMahon, concurs, "this is going to hit us - bang, there are
20-year-old Somalian freshmen. They do not know English, and they are
going to be on the job market."
The issue, it seems from the educator's arguments, is complex. The
commendable programs being set up by the educational authorities leave
some students behind. Possibly, these students are very far gone
age-wise into their illiteracy that no ordinary school can help them.
Add to this group, those Africans who could not enroll in school
because of their age. These young men and women, of both groups, have
expressed to us their frustration of inadequacy at work and school.
They claim they can not use all the opportunities they have been
offered, their education has been disrupted by the civil war in
Somalia, and in America, they have been marginalized to dead-end jobs.
Those in school have not been able to bypass the ESL-basic education
cycle. Some of them have to be kicked out of school after reaching the
magical out-of-school age of 21. Their question to us has been: "What
can those of us who want to achieve more do?"